Tuesday, July 28, 2009

here are some images. i am moving back home tomorrow. won't have immediate internet access but will be less distracted so should be able to make a lot of work that will eventually be posted.
count robula

Monday, July 6, 2009

here is a digital doodle i did in corel painter

this is something i doodled while watching the cubs game. i really need to screw around with painter and photoshop and gimp more so that i can figure out coloring and layers and stuffs.
count robula

Saturday, July 4, 2009

okay. its been awhile.
new stuff includes me leaving grad school for the glorious life of the unemployed and potentially freelance artist (so i am going to be moving back home). this school just was not right for me. we'll see if i find a better one. anyways i hope everyone had a great fourth of july. i spent the bulk of mine watching baseball and eating beef. and then watching some pretty awesome scifi pilot for a show that may be on fox in the fall. it was called virtuality. then i got caught up on the new season of burn notice (i thought maybe i would take a nap with it on but it actually held my interest). then i just watched cloverfield which is exactly what i thought a remake of godzilla should be like so it was pretty good. i am working on a bunch of drawings and hopefully i will finish one of them sometime soon. i promise the next post will contain some sort of image (hopefully one of mine) and i plan on posting again before i move.
be seeing you
robula (the count of crazyville)