Thursday, January 31, 2008

i just spilt an entire glass of water on my work computer

i was sitting here at work and enjoying a glass of water while trying to use paint to fix the lettering on a piece i sent to Rice on the Other. i could not get paint to look good. and then i spilled all the water on to the computer. and it is snowing (kinda blizzardy) i wish i did not have to redo the lettering stuff. i wish i could just make work that looks like the stuff in my mind but no apparently the connection from my mind to my arm has some sort of gap in it so what comes out looks like crap. anyways i got my laptop last night and i am gonna try to take it to best buy soon so that i can get a warranty and have them install security and optimize it (optimize prime it(nerd joke))
okay back to shit
peace me outy

Sunday, January 27, 2008

falling further and further behind

hey all
i am falling behind. this weekend i could have been productive but i had to help one of my friends out with a problem. i am in the middle of doing another two pages of mac and c.h.e.e.s.e for rice on the other(by the way some but other than myself published some of my work). i have to get the two pages to the guy by the 31st. i think. if not he will probably put it into the next volume after that anyway. i have so much work to do this next week and i do not know if i am gonna have the time. hopefully i can post some of the mac and c.h.e.e.s.e. pages up here. anyways best to all and hopefully no one is as busy as i am

Thursday, January 24, 2008

sooo busy

hey all
i am sooo busy this semester. it does not make that much sense. it is my last so you figure i would have picked classes that do not take up all my time but noooo, i had to pick ones that sounded good. stupid me. classes that sound good always inevitably have work that accompanies them. i ordered a computer but i gots to wait for it to buy did not have the one i wanted in stock.
i think i am now gonna do some comic book work while at work. take that school you are gonna pay me for doing school work. yeah!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

RIP Heath Ledger

apparently heath ledger died. this is weird. he was only 28. condolences go out to his family and i hope his daughter is okay.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

i just spent too much money on a worthless machine that will be obsolete the moment i open it

i just bought a computer today. i had to order it so it wont be here for awhile which is not really helpful cause i could use it now but in order to have a useful useless machine i had to order it. now i have a couple of weeks to wait for it to show up at my house and then i hope no one steals it while i am at classes. classes are not bad this semester all stuff i want to be in. my poetry writing class may be a little harder than i was expecting but it should be fun. the first day we all had to write a poem in the first ten minutes and as i sat there listening to the class's poems i thought to myself what the hell? there were not any sad poems. no poems about destruction. no poems about death. i thought for a second i was in the twilight zone. where were all the goths with slashes on their arms or the kid who obviously was not maintaining his hygiene. i thought it was supposed to be a poetry class for people who wanted to write poems not a class for people to write how much they love being themselves. needless to say my poem was the only sad one.
my cat finally died. she was not comfortable so my folks had her put to sleep and then cremated which was oddly fitting cause the last time i saw her she was trying to shove her face into a furnace to keep warm. well hopefully when my computer arrives i can update this thing with more stuff like drawings and photos and stories and poems and the abundance of crap i have to say.
peace me out

Friday, January 18, 2008

why does school suck all the living fun from my being?

hey all. back to school this week. last semester at the u of i (barring any sort of gigantic disaster). i have been extremely tired since returning. i do not understand it. i have been going to bed earlier and earlier and nothing seems to help. i have also had heartburn for a couple of the days so far and now have a headache at work. hopefully this weekend i will get a computer and some sleep. three days off is gonna be useful.
back to work i go.