Thursday, January 31, 2008

i just spilt an entire glass of water on my work computer

i was sitting here at work and enjoying a glass of water while trying to use paint to fix the lettering on a piece i sent to Rice on the Other. i could not get paint to look good. and then i spilled all the water on to the computer. and it is snowing (kinda blizzardy) i wish i did not have to redo the lettering stuff. i wish i could just make work that looks like the stuff in my mind but no apparently the connection from my mind to my arm has some sort of gap in it so what comes out looks like crap. anyways i got my laptop last night and i am gonna try to take it to best buy soon so that i can get a warranty and have them install security and optimize it (optimize prime it(nerd joke))
okay back to shit
peace me outy

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