Thursday, August 28, 2008

that last title was a little wrrong

that last post was a little bit of me freaking out but was mostly just me being slightly mad at the state of things here at grad school. the biggest issue i have is that no one seems to know what they are doing but the other bigger problem i have is with the federal government creating a new regulation for the disbursement of financial aid. so i am now currently broke (completely). so that always makes for a worry free day. anyways i have some ideas for new work but am questioning whether or not grad school is exactly where i need to be considering i am not so sure i fit into the "fine" art world but i think i am going to plow full (or mostly full) steam ahead and just sort of ram my work down the gullets of these "fine" artists.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

oh holy crap i should be doing something else

hey everybody(the 2 people who read this) hope you are fairing better than i. i am currently in dekalb. i just started the grad program this week and it is one of the worst things i have ever had the misfortune to start (but i am positive it will get better if only people begin to understand what they are doing) i also started my grad assistantship which is so far worse than the actual grad school part of going to grad school (always something to put things into perspective) i really wish i had the time to post more right now but i am excited about tomorrow being my last day of class this week so i should be able to make it to my studio at some point this weekend and should be able to tell(and show) you all what went down at San Diego Comic-Con international this summer and let you all in on more of my craptastic adventure in dekalb.