Monday, March 21, 2011

grad school's foot meets my ass over and over and over and over

once again this week grad school has kicked my ass. i think maybe it should be easier than this but i am probably wrong. anyways, i would be posting some work that i have been making in those classes if they all weren't receiving midling to poor grades.
so anyways here are some sketches from my sketch lists. it is the riddler from the batman sketch and boostergold from the jla list. the riddler was done in manga studio which i just got this week and it is pretty neat. sort of like photoshop (which i also ordered this past week but have not gotten it installed yet) and booster gold was done traditionally. hopefully we will see more of me playing with digital art.oh and soder is a brand of soda in the tick and i used it in the booster gold drawing because i want to see a cartoon of boostergold and the blue beetle in the vein of the tick but with booster as the tick and blue beetle as arthur.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

i have been busy and very anxious this week in regards to grad school so this post is a smidge late. hopefully things go smoother. i also saw and really enjoyed the adjustment bureau and i also ate delightful steak at outback steakhouse(thank you government student loans-ha-ha). anyways here are some more sketches from my sketch blog. maybe i'll throw up some stuff i have been working on for classes. oh and i also got manga studio so i might be making some more digital images.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

sketchy sketch sketch

here is killer croc and guy gardner for the sketch blog i am doing. croc is for the batman list and guy gardner is for the jla list. this week has been busy. i fiddled with some hand coloring for the guy gardner drawing. i used high lighters, a marker and a green colored pencil. i also saw the animated film the illusionist. it was brilliant. hopefully things will go smoother at some point in time.