Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Every day that you see me is the worst day of my life

this week has sucked so far. i have been scanning a shit load of things for an instructor. i have slept very poorly. and to top it all off today, i left my keys in my studio. good thing i gave a spare set to some friends. but the spare set only lets me into my apartment and not into my studio. so i am going to have to figure out some way of getting into my studio in order to get my keys that let me into my studio. also, today i found out i have a whole email address i was not aware of and have no idea to access. this email address is apparently the email address i have for being a graduate assistant but i have no way of accessing it. this, of course, is the email address that instructors have been using recently to email me.
Ah, horseshit.
robula verMILLION